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Every corner of the globe has been profoundly affected by COVID-19. Humanity will long be impacted by the shortcomings of healthcare systems and leadership, as well as the cumulative loss of life and mass bereavement that continue to mount. Nurses on every continent have undoubtedly struggled with moral injury in the face of severe resource constraints and health inequities. The consequences of COVID-19—coupled with an increased and urgent discourse pertaining to social and structural injustices—create opportunities for palliative nurses to pave new paths forward for the specialty and for the communities we serve.

Although the past 2 years have marked a period of immense suffering, it has also been a time to recognise and celebrate the roles of palliative nurses worldwide (Downing, 2021). Guided by the World Health Organization's State of the World's Nursing 2020 report (WHO, 2020), and the WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021–2025 (WHO, 2021), it is imperative that administrative and policy leaders support nurses and their interprofessional partners with the resources necessary to develop palliative care programmes and expand access to symptom management and psychosocial services, starting from the time of diagnosis of a serious illness and continuing into bereavement. Priority must be given to initiatives that will optimise the capacity and capability of the nursing workforce to close the global pain and palliative care divide for historically excluded populations, such as the poor, other minoritised groups and children (Rosa et al, 2021a). As palliative care nurses apply technological advancements in their work, such as tele-palliative care delivery, it will be important to address the myriad barriers that have been created for many communities who may not have access to the technology. Clinical models should consider the implications of telehealth services for people of cultural backgrounds who prioritise face-to-face engagement to build rapport and foster relationship-based care.

Just as palliative care has been identified as a fundamental component of primary health care (WHO, 2018) and universal health coverage (WHO, 2014; United Nations, 2019), all nurses must do their part to ensure palliative care is continually seen as an integral aspect of all nursing practice, regardless of specialty or setting. Recently, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) named hospice/palliative/supportive care as one of the four spheres of care needed to provide competent care ‘across the lifespan, and with diverse patient populations’ (AACN, 2021:1). The concept of palliative care training and education as essential to nursing practice must become the global entry-level standard. It is clearer than ever before that nurses must continue to be educated in generalist palliative nursing competencies, at all levels, to promote the full integration of palliative care throughout the serious illness continuum.

As a palliative nursing collective, the workforce must encourage supervision and mentorship for all nurses to strengthen their generalist level skills. Furthermore, efforts are needed to document the impact of palliative nurse specialists on patient, caregiver and staff outcomes, including changes to patients' symptom burdens and family distress, as well as fiscal savings related to the avoidance of costly hospital and health-service use that may not be reflective of patients' values. COVID-19 has shown the world the interconnections and interdependence not only among members of the healthcare team, but also between countries (Rosa et al, 2021b). Thus, in the context of public health, palliative nurse researchers and specialists must also commit to disseminating community and national-level outcomes of palliative care delivery.

In alignment with the State of the World's Nursing 2020 report recommendations and the WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021–2025 (WHO, 2020; WHO, 2021), multisector stakeholders and nurses must continue to advocate for strengthening the education requirements and image of nursing as a global profession, if nurses are to have a strong voice in all major global health organisations. Nurses must be equipped at local, national and international levels to become socio-politically informed and effective leaders and advocates for policy change that protects them in practicing to the full extent of their training and licensure (Rosa et al, 2021c; Rosa et al, 2021d). Until nursing as a unified profession achieves its potential, our specialty will remain immensely challenged to promote and advance the palliative nursing agenda.


全球的每个角落都受到 COVID-19 的深刻影响。人类将长期受到医疗保健系统和领导力的缺陷以及持续增加的累积生命损失和大规模丧亲之痛的影响。面对严重的资源限制和健康不平等,各大洲的护士无疑都在与道德伤害作斗争。COVID-19 的后果——加上与社会和结构性不公正有关的日益增多的紧迫讨论——为姑息护士创造了机会,为专业和我们所服务的社区铺平了新的道路。

尽管过去 2 年标志着一个巨大的痛苦时期,但这也是承认和庆祝全球姑息性护士的作用的时候(唐宁,2021 年)。世界卫生组织 2020 年世界护理状况报告(WHO,2020 年)和WHO 全球护理和助产士战略方向 2021-2025WHO,2021 年)为指导),行政和政策负责人必须为护士及其跨专业合作伙伴提供必要的资源,以制定姑息治疗计划并扩大获得症状管理和心理社会服务的机会,从诊断出严重的疾病开始一直到丧亲之痛。必须优先考虑能够优化护理人员的能力和能力的举措,以缩小历史上被排斥的人群(例如穷人、其他少数群体和儿童)的全球疼痛和姑息治疗鸿沟(Rosa 等,2021a)。随着姑息护理护士在他们的工作中应用技术进步,例如远程姑息护理服务,解决为许多可能无法使用该技术的社区创造的无数障碍将非常重要。临床模型应考虑远程医疗服务对优先考虑面对面参与以建立融洽关系和促进基于关系的护理的文化背景的人的影响。

正如姑息治疗已被确定为初级卫生保健(世卫组织,2018 年)和全民健康覆盖(世卫组织,2014 年联合国,2019 年)的基本组成部分一样,所有护士都必须尽其所能确保姑息治疗继续被视为一种无论专业或环境如何,所有护理实践的组成部分。最近,美国护理学院协会 (AACN) 将临终关怀/姑息治疗/支持性护理命名为“在整个生命周期中为不同患者群体提供合格护理所需的四大护理领域之一”(AACN,2021:1)。姑息治疗培训和教育作为护理实践必不可少的概念必须成为全球入门级标准。比以往任何时候都更清楚的是,护士必须继续接受各级姑息护理的通才教育,以促进姑息护理在整个严重疾病连续体中的全面整合。

作为姑息护理集体,员工队伍必须鼓励对所有护士的监督和指导,以加强他们的通才技能。此外,需要努力记录姑息治疗专家对患者、护理人员和工作人员结果的影响,包括患者症状负担和家庭痛苦的变化,以及与避免使用昂贵的医院和医疗服务相关的财政节省可能无法反映患者的价值观。COVID-19 向世界展示了医疗团队成员之间以及国家之间的相互联系和相互依赖(Rosa 等,2021b)。因此,在公共卫生的背景下,姑息护理研究人员和专家还必须致力于传播姑息护理提供的社区和国家层面的成果。

根据《2020 年世界护理状况报告》的建议和《2021-2025世卫组织全球护理和助产士战略方向》世卫组织,2020 年世卫组织,2021 年),多部门利益相关者和护士必须继续倡导加强教育要求和形象如果护士要在所有主要的全球卫生组织中拥有强大的发言权,就必须将护理作为一项全球性职业。护士必须在地方、国家和国际层面进行装备,以成为了解社会政治和有效的领导者和政策变革的倡导者,以保护他们在培训和执照的全部范围内实践(Rosa 等,2021cRosa 等, 2021d)。在护理作为一个统一的职业发挥其潜力之前,我们的专业在促进和推进姑息性护理议程方面仍将面临巨大挑战。


